Tuesday 14 August 2012

You are a Divine Masterpiece!

When people believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. ~Norman Vincent Peale

You are a Divine Masterpiece!

Do you ever catch yourself thinking that you are no good, or that you are just an ordinary person with nothing to be proud of?  Well, let me tell you that in fact you are most unique and special!

Yes, I'm talking about that wondrous miracle that is YOU.  And I'm just even simply talking  about your human body. You are a marvellous machine that no robot could ever replicate, no matter who claims otherwise. Why?  Because no robot can ever have a soul and that divine spark that runs it.

You've lived in your physical body for a long time, you hardly give you body a second thought.  You just presume that it will work and do its job each time you wake up in the morning to start your day.

Mother and child, miracle of life

When we see a newborn baby or a pregnant woman, or a mother and child, we may be reminded of the miraculous process of conception, gestation and birth.

 As Above So Below

Scientist say that the human body consists of approximately one hundred trillion cells, about one thousand cells for every bright star in the Milky Way.

Wonder of life, miracle of man, miracle, awe and reverence for life

Just as an aside, this is more than the amount of debt in terms of US$!
power of trillion cells
US$100 dollar bills stacked up to US$15 trillion.
Sorry, I didn't mean to depress you with that last imagery of the US$15 trillion debt, but I just thought that was a vivid way to depict the power of the numbers of cells in the human body.

When you think that all these cells started with the one-celled fertilized ovum and ending up with cells more numerous than the stars in the Milky Way - that's beyond amazing!

What's even more amazing is how all these replicating cells have the supreme intelligence to differentiate into 250 types of cells, able to organise themselves into a stomach, a brain, skin, teeth, intestines, hair, heart, lungs and other intricately designated organs with infinite and precise intelligence.

"The human brain is ‘ . . .the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe’."  Isaac Asimov

Then there's the dynamic skeletal structure made up of some 206 bones anchored firmly to muscles positioned so strategically to shield the vital organs of the body, bones that can take up to 20,000 pounds of pressure per square inch.

The Nervous System - The Miracle of Man, wonder of man, awe reverence for life
Some 60,000 mile vein network carries blood to every part of your body.  Without a doubt, the most complex information-processing system in existence is the human body.

It is not my intention to give a scientific treatise as to the marvelous fine-tuned "machinery" that is the human body - it would fill a whole library.  There are enough scholarly resources available able to do that with more authority than I.

My intention here is simply to rekindle that awe that I think we ought to have about this creation called the human being and restore reverence for life.

 Is Your Heart Open?

"He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."
Albert Einstein

We have become smug and blasé about the miracle of creation that we've almost lost the capacity to be amazed.  We've become to 'old' and jaded and miss out on the childlike wonder of life and don't give enough gratitude to God for it.

We are quick to gasp in awe at the inventions and creations by man, but rarely give credit to the higher power that created man.

Even worse, we see so much violence against life.  Life has become so cheap and disposable these days.  It's my hope that if we remind ourselves of the preciousness that each life is, and how each one is created with such meaningful intention and elaborate design, that we must each have been created uniquely for a special purpose, we would more stalwartly protect and defend life.

This short,  moving video vividly depicts the beauty, marvel and sacredness of life - your life. Hopefully, this will impel you not only to treasure it, but to give each soul wanting to be born, the same opportunity for life as you had.

Have you discovered what your unique purpose or calling in life is? Are you fulfilling it? Click here and discover how you can. Please feel free to comment or share below.  I'd love to hear from you.

To your Victory - all the way!


Monday 16 April 2012

The Law of Attraction - what is it?

What attracts you? What do you attract? What is this magnet that draws to you the things, circumstances, people, etc in your life?  Or you to it? 

It's one's desires.  They say you draw to yourself what you desire. If that is so, if one is honest, you look at yourself and your circumstances, and you can say there are many desires that you have not gotten…yet.  And there are those that you certainly do not want in your life - and you have them and now wish you didn't!  Could it be that at one point or another, I desired them?

I would say that, yes, at some point or another, you did - whether consciously or unconsciously.  You may have put on other people's desires, unlawful desires, misguided desires, silly desires - but desires nonetheless.   All these form a strong magnet or forcefield that attracts or has attracted to you those things or conditions. 

You may even have conflicting desires - cancelling out or delaying the manifestation of that desire.

Fear can be a perverted kind of desire as well.  There is a saying that what you fear, you can attract to yourself. So does hatred.  And so does love. You see, we draw to ourselves the forcefield and vibration that we are. Such is the power of the human aura. Vibration always seeks to resonate with like or harmonic vibration in order to expand.

To attract what we want, we should already be vibrating in the frequency of the object of desire or condition or object or situation that we want.  For example, if you desire peace or love or be wealthy, you must now be, act, feel, think peaceful, loving, as having already that which you desire.  There is the saying, you must be the change that you want to see. 

In the meantime, we have to take responsibility for the fruits of our past desires, our past sowings.  As these, also muddy that waters of our own forcefield.  We cannot break the law of karma - cause and effect - without impunity.  We can even change and transform them by transforming the cause or root of that desire, balancing one's karma.  This may be through prayers, mantras, good works - those thoughts, words and actions that changes and raises your consciousness and gives life back to your life. This is no simple feat, but it is certainly not only do-able but I would say imperative if you want to understand yourself, gain power over your life and transform your life to be what you truly want.  For that, you need to be open to change your consciousness.

To understand this a bit more, we have to look into the realm of frequencies and certain cosmic laws or spiritual science. 

I will talk about this more next time - will you join me?

In the meantime, drop me a line and share your thoughts.

Have a Victorious day!

To come …
Four Lower Bodies of Man

Friday 30 March 2012

Time and the lack of it!

Don't you just hate it when you always seem to find yourself running out of time?  Oh yes, I've tried the to-do list. I try to do this every night before I go to bed, although I must admit that there are days when I can't even do this. But yes, I do the list. Some days, if I'm not careful, I'd have a whole list ready to pop onto that page.  Sometimes, no matter I try to organise myself, I still find that at the end of the day, I can only can tick off 2 out of 10 or 3 out of the 12 things listed down and so I put the rest of today's list onto the next day, and so round and round I go.  What happened there - wasn't I organised?  Did I put too much on that list?  Not enough discipline?  But still I keep making the resolve to be more organised and even put a schedule and time limit  to when I'm going to do what. Then, I find myself doing more of one area of my life and neglect  others. 

In my desire to bring balance into my life, I section my list into different areas of concern.  I draw lines across my diary page, dividing it into 4 sections and label each section:  home / website / spiritual time/ training, as the case may be.  Then I would put in each section the one urgent thing I need to do that day for each area of my life, and then schedule each of that in the day. At the end of the day, I'd tick off what I've done.  I often find that there are certain sections that I tend to do more of. Hmmm.  Interesting.

I actually quite like this method, as this way I feel that I have looked after the different areas of my life, my different responsibilities. I can actually learn about myself - not only what areas in my life are taking more of my attention and energy and which are not. These favoured and neglected areas are in themselves very enlightening, if you are self-observing - they can tell a lot about your inner world and how you regard yourself.  Do I perhaps need to spend more personal and spiritual time?  Or even some entertainment time? 

Or I also find that I frittering my time on peripheral things, on related activities instead of  on the main things in my day, my week, my life.  Eg, too much time surfing the web and "researching" for an article I'm writing instead of actually getting on and writing that article.  Somehow, if I would just examine myself, I would see that I may have experienced some have blocks to doing precisely that, which I should deal with honestly.

There could be many reasons. And it usually isn't laziness because looking at my day, I hardly sit down and do nothing. (Which could be the problem!)  But more subtle reason, like the idea that I feel I need to have a whole stretch of time (there it is again!) of undisturbed hours, before I could find myself inspired to write.  And looking at my own life, I know that these can be few and far between.  

Or the idea of false perfectionism. That I should be absolutely perfect already before I should start to do anything. Or that brilliant ideas should already be composed in my mind, ready to burst forth effortlessly and perfectly. (There are days when they do, but again, few and far between). These are just a few subconscious inner talk that people engage in that stop them from living and acting now.

I'm actually finding that keeping some sort of written plan of activities as this to do list provide a very useful a graphic way of learning more about myself.  But in order to do that, I find that I have to allow myself, schedule myself, some TIME AND SPACE, to let it all sink in.  

Time - that all we have in this side of eternity. Time - such a precious commodity.  It's really a measured currency of one's life, how we live it second by second. Everything we do in this life is a testimony to how we're using time. If I don't look at it and treat it with great respect, I could actually just be squandering my life away in pursuits that do not truly matter to me, useless pursuits in fact that crowd out a truly authentic life. Am I using it to know myself, create my true self, my reality, my divine purpose, make a positive difference to my loved ones and the world?

To answer these questions, ironically, you have to actually "stop time" stand still and be peaceful in yourself and connect with the deepest part of you, where surprisingly, there is no time.  In that interval, one can listen to what you are saying to you.  Many people call this time meditation, prayer, tuning in.  Whatever you call it, it is most essential to creating and living meaningful and fulfilling life.  


Thought for the day:

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday 24 March 2012

Hello there,

Finally got myself to clear the space, sit down and talk with you!  I've been wanting to do that for a long time! Well, here I am and there you are!  Thank you for joining me and I look forward to having wonderful conversations with you. There is so much to talk about - where to begin?

People always say, begin at the beginning.  Ah, but where is that? As you know, everyone has a different concept of that depending upon where they're at. But have you noticed that we seem to be at different places at any given moment?  I guess that's because we are multidimensional beings, with many "bodies" if you will:  physical, mental, emotional, etheric.  And those are just the our four lower bodies.(!?).  What?  you mean to say there's more?  Aha, but that for now is enough said!

Well, friend, hope you'll come by again soon, and will continue this conversation.  In the meantime, have a great day!


Today's thought:
Compliment three people today.